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We are sad to advise you of the death of Tom Way formerly a senior personnel manager at Sealink HQ. For many years he came to our meeting until age prevented him. We shall miss him..


For the latest news and details of what is going on take a look at our website    A password is required to access to the Members Area which can be obtained from Colin Crawford.

Best wishes to you all:

Colin Crawford (Chairman) Tel: 07836 693 977 e-m:
John Sellar (Treasurer) Tel: 01702 582547
Martin Maybrey (Minutes Secretary Tel: 01483 893209.
Roger Tulley (General Secretary) Tel: 01376 514349 e-mail:
Peter Blanthorn (Newsletter Editor) Tel: 01672 870492 e-mail:

David Barwell

Peter Blanthorn has forwarded these e-mails from Terry Conybeare

—– Original Message —–
To: Martin Maybrey
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2016 7:53 PM
Subject: David Barwell

Good evening Martin,
I attended David’s funeral today where I estimate there were approximately 200/250 other people but regrettably only 5 of us representing his business colleagues – 3 from Dover, Steve Buhlman from Newhaven and me.
However I managed to obtain details of the Undertakers:-
Donations, in memory of David, for Cystic Fibrosis Trust may be sent c/o Masters and Son, Masters House, Lewes Road, Lindfield, West Sussex RH16 2LE.
See you in October,

From: terry.conybeare
Date: 21 September 2016 at 20:20
Subject: David Barwell
To: peter blanthorn peter

Good evening Peter,

I have just been notified by our Marine Officer’s Club that David Barwell has passed away and wondered whether Sealink Retired Staff were aware because David was well known to a great many people.

The only information so far is that the cremation is to be at 13.30 on Thursday 29th September at Worth near Haywards Heath.
If I hear any further details I will pass them to you.


Terry Conybeare

David Barwell was appointed Superintendent Engineer-in-Chief to the newly formed BR Shipping and International services Division in 1968 when I myself joined. This appointment carried on through Sealink UK Limited and under Sea Containers ownership. He was a really nice man to work with and very courteous. We are very pleased that in his later years he renewed his interest in SRSA and enjoyed coming to our meetings. In his leisure time he rebuilt dozens of sports car engines! We shall miss him! Colin Crawford








For members who wish to renew their Membership,only, please use the form below, and send to –

Miss P. Nice – 22, Albion Court, Sun Street, Billericay. CM12 9LB
e-mail telephone number: (01277) 651902
I enclose a remittance for £_________ made up as follows:
Annual Subscription: £ 10.00
Donation: £_________ (Voluntary, but gratefully received)
Total: £_________ Payable to – SEALINK RETIRED STAFF ASSOCIATION
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Tel.No ___________________________ E/Mail _________________________________
N.B. Receipt only with S.A.E



Message from Gary Stubbings

From: Gary Stubbings
Subject: Where are they now? 1974-1982

Message Body:
My first employment on leaving school in 1974, was at British Railways (SISD) at their Liverpool Street headquarters. People I recall, among many, are Andy Stannard (who I knew from our Broomfield, Essex, Cricket Club, all those years ago, introduced me to the job and assisted me to get an interview at BR), Steve Wiggins (his brother Andy), dear old Bert Gibbins, who (in that era we were allowed to smoke cigarettes in the office) let his cigarette get down to the very end of his ‘fag’ before immediately lighting another one. Gerry James, John Humphries, Gill Norman (from Herongate in Essex). Roy Woods (who used to stink the office out with his Camel cigarettes!), I also recall when the Christmas cigarettes came along (as ‘thank you gifts’ from contacts etc, ‘new starters’ like myself, were left with what was left. No nice tipped Rothmans, B& H etc as Bert Gibbins and Gerry James etc took those!) A lot of us moved on to the Sealink UK HQ at Eversholt House, Euston. Names that come to mind are Linda Tierney who ‘became’ Linda Sacre after marrying Phil. David Dunn. I ‘celebrated the first part of my 21st birthday’ (October 5) in the King’s Arms which was directly opposite the office. Linda (Tierney) was there as was a girl called Hannah. Still got photos of those days (football trips to Calais, Rome, organised by the lovely man Mr Marsh). Other names have come to mind, Peter Manley, Michael Franks, John Gibb, Barrie Lovell, Dave Jenner). And I’ve still got a few of the old Sealink magazines, (a quarterly publication). Afterwards, I got the post of sports editor at the Essex Chronicle newspaper, a role that I held for 21 years before the role was made redundant. Still working though to pay the bills!! It would be great to hear from any former friends/colleagues, and if I’ve missed anybody out from those above, I apologize. Those years to me were great times and I made a lot of friends.